and Cheney are Clubbies - they don't know anything except how to get dressed
seven times a day. The real problem is the Jews behind the system.
Lauro J. Chavez was an eye witness to the treason behind 9/11. Torture is
a racial issue: whites are least likely to commit torture; Jews are the worst.
Abortion is mandated in the Bible where a man refuses to support another man's
The religious right is making a mistake to exclude evolution from their struggle to save the white race because we are by far the most evolved. What we are seeing today is the Communist take-over described by George Orwell. We are paying Kosher taxes on almost all of our foods.
The race that practices selective eugenics first will win the race war. Unfortunately, this is likely to be the Chinese who already have population control policies in place.
is just another word for Frankism, a hellish religion
that says 9/10 of the world must be exterminated before the Messiah will
come to rule the world.
Joseph P. McCarthy was a
powerful voice against Communism. Evidence that the attack on the WTC 9/11
included micro-nukes.
Masons started this
country for white people. That's why they want to rebuild Solomon's Temple
which was designed to separate the Whites from the non-whites. St. Paul
was the anti-Christ, and was arrested for bringing non-whites into the White
area of the Temple.
People have chosen to
kill themselves rather than to kill the innocent. Irma Grese still haunts
Germany, waiting for the truth about the Holohoax to be discovered so that she
and the German people will be vindicated.
America embraces torture as part of its state craft. Physicists entertain the idea of a directed energy weapon being used to bring down the WTC from a planet or satellite.