Sealed and guarded since the end of WWII at Arolsen, Germany, the
Official IRC records reveal the actual Concentration Camp total death toll
For years, people around the world - "the West" in particular - have been told
that "six million Jews were systematically murdered by Germans in 'Concentration
Camps' during World War 2." Thousands of honest people disputing this claim has
been viciously smeared as a hateful anti-Semite. Several countries around the
world have jailed and heavily fined people for disputing the claim that "6
Million" Jews were killed.
Provided here is a scanned image of an Official International Red Cross
document, proving the so-called "Holocaust" [the long-and-often-
Please NOTE that the truth
has been known since long before 1979!!! The above compiler, replying to a
letter, had to rely on information that
was already in existence!!!
Tax-payers of Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Latvia, Poland and other nations
have had multiple Millions of dollars taken from their wages to be paid out
to "holocaust survivors" and their descendants for something that DID NOT
HAPPEN. The tax-payers of these United States of America spend Billion$ each
year in direct, indirect and military support of the State of Israel (which is
not Biblical Israel). This is intentional, criminal fraud on a scale so massive
as to be almost incomprehensible.
Where do the innocent Germans, Americans and others go to get a refund?
call for criminal prosecution of individuals and groups who filed false lawsuits
to obtain holocaust reparations and financial damage awards and perpetrating
deliberate fraud upon Courts.
call for the removal of Holocaust references in History books and educational
call for the removal of Holocaust Memorials worldwide.
Regarding Theresienstadt, the Red Cross said, ""where there were about
40,000 Jews deported from various countries, was a relatively privileged ghetto"
(Vol. III, p. 75). "The Committee's delegates were able to visit the camp
at Theresienstadt (Terezin) which was used exclusively for Jews and was governed
by special conditions ... From information gathered by the Commmee, this camp
had been started as an experiment by certain leaders of the Reich ... These men
wished to give the Jews the means of setting up a communal life in a town under
their own administration and possessing almost complete autonomy ... two
delegates were able to visit the camp on April 6, 1945. They confirmed the
favourable impression gained on the first visit" (Vol. I, p. 642).
The ICRC also had praise for the regime of Ion Antonescu of
Fascist Rumania where the Committee was able to extend special relief to 183,000
Rumanian Jews until the time of the Soviet occupation. The aid then ceased and
the ICRC complained bitterly that it never succeeded "in sending anything
whatsoever to Russia" (Vol. II, p. 62). The same situation applied to many of
the German camps after their "liberation" by
the Russians. The ICRC received a voluminous flow of mail from Auschwitz until
the period of the Soviet occupation, when many of the internees were evacuated
westward. But the efforts of the Red Cross to send relief to internees remaining
at Auschwitz under Soviet control were futile. However. food parcels
continued to be sent to former Auschwitz inmates transferred west to such camps
as Buchenwald and Oranienburg.
One of the most important aspects of the Report of the ICRC is that it
clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the
camps towards the end of the war. Says the Report: "in the chaotic condition of
Germany after the invasion during the final months of the
war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an
increasing number of victims. Itself alarmed by this situation, the
German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1, 1945 ... In March
1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S.
Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results. Relief could henceforth be
distributed by the ICRC and one delegate was authorised to stay in each camp
.I." (Vol. III, p.83).
Clearly, the German authorities were at pains to relieve the
dire situation as far as they were able. The Red Cross are quite explicit in
stating that food supplies ceased at this time due to the Allied bombing of
German transportation, and in the interests of interned Jews they had
protested on March 15, 1944 against "the barbarous aerial warfare of the
Allies'' (Inter Armet Caritns, p. 78). By October 2, 1944, the ICRC had warned
the German Foreign Office of the impending collapse of the German transportation
system, declaring that starvation conditions for people throughout Germany were
becoming inevitable.
In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume Report, it
is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross
found no evidence whatsoever of 'gas chambers'. The original 1946 edition did
not even talk of 'extermination' or 'death camps' but after the
emotional impact of the Nuremberg trials the Red Cross felt compelled to
introduce into the expanded 1948 Report several, very cursory references to
'death camps' (Vol. 1 p. 641) and 'extermination camps' (Vol. I p. 645).
However, no means of 'extermination' is indicated. In all its
1,600 pages the three-volume Report does not even mention such a thing as a
'gas chamber'. It acknowledges that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities,
suffered rigours and privations, but' its complete silence
on the subject of'gassings' is ample refutation of the 'Holocaust' legend.
Volume III of the Report of the ICRC, Chapter 3 (I. Jewish Civilian
Population) deals with the "aid given to the Jewish section of the free
population" and this chapter makes it quite plain that by no means all of the
European Jews were placed in internment camps but remained, subject to certain
restrictions, as part of the free civilian population. This conflicts directly
with the "thoroughness" of the supposed "extermination programme", and with the
claim in the forged Hoess memoirs that Eichmann was obsessed with seizing every
single Jew he could lay his hands on," In Slovakia, for
example, where Eichmann's assistant Dieter Wisliceny was in charge, the Report
states that "A large proportion of the Jewish minority had permission to stay in
the country, and at certain periods Slovakia was looked upon as a comparative
haven of refuge for Jews, especially for those coming from Poland. Those who
remained in Slovakia seem to have been in comparative safety until the end of
August 1944, when a rising against the German forces took place. While it is
true that the law of May 15, 1942 had brought about the internment of several
thousand Jews, these people were held in camps where the conditions of food and
lodging were tolerable, and where the internees were allowed to do paid work on
terms almost equal to those of the free labour market" (Vol. I, p. 646).
Not only did large numbers of the three million or so
European Jews avoid internment altogether, but the emigration of Jews continued
throughout the war, generally by way of Hungary, Rumania and Turkey.
Ironically, post-war Jewish emigration from German-occupied territories was also
facilitated by the Reich, as in the case of the Polish Jews who had escaped to
France before its occupation. "The Jews from Poland who, whilst in France, had
obtained entrance permits to the United States were held to be American citizens
by the German occupying authorities, who further agreed to recognise the
validity of about three thousand passports issued to Jews by the consulates of
South American countries" (Vol. 1, p. 645).
As future U.S. citizens, these Jews were held at the Vittel
camp in southern France for American aliens. The emigration of European Jews
from Hungary in particular proceeded during the war unhindered by the German
authorities. "Until March 1944," says the Red Cross Report, "Jews who had the
privilege of visas for Palestine were free to leave Hungary" (Vol. 1, p. 648).
Even after the replacement of the Horthy Government in 1944 (following its
attempted armistice with the Soviet Union) with a government more dependent on
German authority, the emigration of Jews continued.
The Committee secured the pledges of both Britain and the
United States "to give support by every means to the emigration of Jews from
Hungary, " and from the U.S. Government the ICRC received a message stating that
"The Government of the United States... now specifically repeats its assurance
that arrangements will be made by it for the care of all Jews who in the present
circumstances are allowed to leave" (Vol. 1, p. 649).
This was the plaque on display at the Auschwitz camp until 1989: note the "4
million" victims.
Right: This is the plaque
currently on display at Auschwitz (2002) - note the suddenly reduced number of
victims to 1.5 million - a casual reduction in the number of deaths by
2.5 million which never appeared in the
American "free press"
Revisionists have concentrated
on Hoess precisely because he is probably the most important source for
Holocaust historians' conclusions on and exaggerations about the Holocaust. Raul
Hilberg, who wrote the "Bible" of the "Holocaust," The Destruction of the
European Jews, (Holmes & Meier, Revised Edition, 1985 ) relies on Hoess's
testimony heavily, and Hoess was the primary witness relied upon by the
Nuremberg Tribunal in their judgment regarding the "extermination of the Jews,"
even though he told the court of having been
savagely tortured.
What's more, Hoess's treatment by the Allies and the total unreliability of his
"evidence" are not unusual. We don't know how many of the accused at the
Nuremberg trials were badly mistreated, since references in the trial
transcripts to their mistreatment was expunged from the record. (Read this
again! Material damaging to the Allies was expunged from the Nuremberg trial
Ernst Zundel,
primary revisionist, points to the
change in the Auschwitz plaques. Right the coup of
9/11 Zundel was whisked out of his home in Virginia and put into solitary
confinement in Canada without charges for 18 months and then to Germany where he
was convicted of "Holocaust Denial" for which he served 5 years. His
lawyer, Sylvia Soltz was also jailed because she raised as a defense, that
everything Ernst said was true, thus making herself a "Holocaust Denier."