Francis Xavier and the Jesuits arrived in Japan
in the 1540's. Xavier and his Jesuits convinced the ruler to let him
introduce Catholicism to the Japanese. See 1600 picture of a Jesuit with a
Japanese nobleman left. Pictured right is a Christian mass being celebrated in Japan.
The Catholic priests had intimate access to the Japanese children whom they converted and sold to the European nobility as house slaves and sex slaves. The Jesuits played an active role in the African slave trade, whose children were sold as house and sex slaves but they were a low and ugly race.
The Japanese chlidren were highly prized by the Europeans over the African slaves the Jesuits had been selling to them.
By 1587 he had so thoroughly insulted the Japanese that Catholicism was repressed as a threat to national unity. Toyotomi Hideyoshi ordered the expulsion of the Jesuit missionaries and banished Catholicism July 24, 1587. Hideyoshi took complete control over the Portugese trade to stop the slave trade. February 5, 1597, The Japanese executed 26 Christians in what is known as the Christian Martyrs of Nagasake, pictured in a 16-17th century Japanese painting.
By the end of the 17th Century there were 300,000 baptized Catholics in Japan. Japanese children were greatly admired by the Portuguese. The children were used as pawns during the friction between the Japanese who wanted to stop the slave trade of their children and the Jesuit priest. Japan started its expulsion of the Jesuits on February 5, 1597, crucifying 26 Christians in Nagasaki. Thousands more were killed over the next hundred years. The shoguns held crucifixions, tying the Jesuits to crosses which were raised to an upright position and then quickly stabbed to death by a soldier with a javelin. By the mid-17th century, the Tokugawa shogunate had successfully expelled the Jesuits. To this day the Catholic Church denies all culpability for selling the Japanese children to European nobility and continue to assert that the execution of Christians was done only because they were loyal followers of Jesus Christ.
A wry cartoon showing lions spitting out Christian martyrs comments on the unlikelihood of the virtue of the Martyrs of Nagasaki.