Captain Eric May
Captain Eric May describes "a British-Yiddish hit all the way" on the Twin Towers on 9/11 and what his Ghost Troops have done to thwart more operations attempted by the Bush League.
Captain Eric May interviewed by Hal Turner on July 5, 2006. Captain May talked about three basic subjects from the point of view of his own field of expertise -- military intelligence.
1. The Battle of Baghdad Cover Up (BOBCUP) and the US neutron bomb used at the Baghdad Airport.
2. The 9/11 Event as a Zionist/Globalist pretext to lead us to World War Three (they call it the Global War on Terror) and rob us of our American liberties.
3. The 9-11-2B -- which the Bush League Media keeps telling us is going "to be" sooner or later, and which is the sina qua non for the war criminals in the Whitewash House to escape their just deserts.
January 24th interview of Capt. Eric May by Greg Syzmanski in which Capt. May describes the Battle of Baghdad being saved by Bush with a neutron bomb, thus kicking off a series of nuclear blasts both in and out of our country by the Bush League.
January 24, second hour of the Syzmanski interview, Capt. May predicts that the Bush administration will attack oil refineries in Texas City, Texas 3/31/06. This actually happens 3/24/06, a few days off target. May explains that this is the illuminati's idea of a good way to demolish obsolete structures at tax payer's expense. Thanks to May's intervention the attack is less than nuclear.
January 25, 2005, Tom Watson from Texas City, Texas, calls Syzmanski to verify the light show at Texas City.
Battle of Baghdad
the night Saddam promised us that his brave National Guardsmen would meet us in
Baghdad? Well, according to Captain Eric May, he kept his promise and we
were not told. Friday night at 8:30 p.m. (Central), Captain May and his
wife were watching CNN showing the predawn of Saturday 5:30 morning half-way
around the world in Baghdad.
"All at once the skyline of the besieged city erupted with the flash and report
of sustained explosions." CNN journalists Aaron Brown and Fredrika
Whitfield reported that they had not been alerted that there would be a major
fire mission that night. That admission bothered Captain May because he
knew that normal protocol required new media to be told if there was to be a
major fire mission if it was undertaken by our side. That meant to Capt.
May that “It probably wasn’t us doing the firing.” The fire was coming from the
National Guard, just as Saddam had promised.
As Capt.and Mrs. May watched the report, CNN's reporter Walter Rodgers, embedded
with the 3/7 Cavalry, attempted to make a report from the Baghdad Airport but he
could not be understood because of the noise of artillery around him, automatic
small arms fire striking his vehicle and the shouts of the soldiers inside.
Capt. May recognized the sounds of war. Aaron Brown tried to cover up the
war by claiming the network was having technical difficulties.
A half hour later Larry King interviewed Rodgers and Lt. Col. Terry Ferrell –
the commander of the very 3/7 Cavalry under fire at the airport. Before this,
Ferrell had not appeared in the two week long TV war. Capt. May knew when
he saw Ferrell bravely trying to keep a straight face while he was being
interviewed by Larry King that we were getting the worst of it in the early
Battle of Baghdad. Ferrell told Rodgers that all was well at the airport,
but ended up in tears. Rodgers was too choked up to pick up the
conversation. The put-up interview corroborated Capt. May's sad analysis, and he
found himself crying along with Lieut. Col. Ferrell and Rodgers, for the boys of
the 3/7 Cavalry, remembering that he had once been a young cavalryman, too.
Over the weekend Capt. May, trained in military intelligence, picked up around
twenty “indicators” of
a cover-up of the Battle of Baghdad, which Capt. May believed occurred when
Saddam's National Guard attacked the 3/7 Cavalry at the Baghdad Airport.
The only reason CNN could be surprised about the explosions was if the fire was
coming from Iraqi forces. We were being heavily attacked and we were not
being told.
The next morning, Americans thought nothing when they tuned into the news to
find that the president had suddenly decided to go and visit Tony Blair in
England and, instead of getting news about the Battle of Baghdad, the news
informed America that Private Jessica Lynch (a Sandra Dee look-alike) had
heroically fended off four Iraqi soldiers until she was wounded and abducted.
The whole world fell in love with Jessica Lynch, not noticing that the Pentagon
had cancelled it’s Saturday noon briefing, with no reasons given. Aaron Brown of
CNN was secretive, apologetic, saying that there were things that they couldn’t
talk about now that they’d later explain. In an unguarded moment on the
air, reporter Christiane Amanpour said that there were “substantial
contradictions of fact” between allied and independent media accounts of events.
The Jessica Lynch story dominated the news for two days. The third day the
news was full of America's attack on the City of Baghdad in an attempt to
capture Saddam. On Wednesday, April 9, public affairs contrived a
pulling down of Saddam Hussein’s statue and word generally spread that the
battle which we never heard anything about, was over. Millions of curious
Americans discovered the English version of Al-Jazeera which gave more complete
news of the battle. Soon thereafter we saw Al-Jazeera being bombed by the
USA and the radio station was destroyed, never to rise again, until it was
resurrected in Jewish form by Rupert Murdock.
We were never told that the Iraqis did
make their promised counterattack on
April 5, at the Baghdad Airport and later across Baghdad, inflicting hundreds of
casualties while fighting a rearguard action as they dispersed into the
underground. It is Capt. May's expert opinion that the Battle of Baghdad
was raging throughout the three days that the media was airing or printing
distraction stories about Jessica Lynch.
Why was not the City of Baghdad broadcast? "Wasn’t Baghdad the
climax of the war that they had set us up to watch?" Capt. May asked? He
concluded that they changed the programming because it turned into a military
disaster; just the kind of thing to undercut public support for the war and
public confidence in the commander in chief. Capt. May said, "The media stayed
true to the administration plan and false to the American people by covering up
the Battle of Baghdad for George W. Bush and the pro-war factions, Republican
and Democrat, in control of Congress. It was clear to me from then that we had
slipped off our constitutional foundation."
To Captain May, whose areas of expertise included
military intelligence and public affairs, it was clear that the military and
media were working together to cover up the true story: The Battle of Baghdad
was happening off-camera, hidden behind Private Lynch!
The pull-down of the statue of Saddam Hussein on April 9 was another
manufactured event to indicate that the Baghdad had been occupied by US forces.
But how did they take the city?
The answer is that US forces were attacked by much-larger Iraq forces at the
Baghdad Airport on Saturday morning, April 5, and after bleeding badly from that
vicious fight were engaged in a fierce battle in the rubbled, slow-go driving --
under constant Iraqi fire -- through the city of Baghdad, a drive lasting until
three days later, when the distraction of Private Jessica abruptly ended so that
the media could show a set-up scene of the "Fall of Baghdad" (i.e., a set-up
pull-down of Saddam's Statue).
While causalty figures have been suppressed by the media (along with the
existence of the Battle of Baghdad!), international military estimates are that
hundreds died. Summer/fall reports from Ft. Stewart, Georgia, about the overflow
of 3rd Infanty Division wounded soldiers sleeping in tent cities when they
needed medical treatment were never explained, either: There were too many
wounded GIs from the Battle of Baghdad to fit in the Ft. Stewart Hospital!
To Captain May, the cover-up of the battle was a clear violation of Department
of Defense Principles of Information, which he had learned thoroughly in the
Defense Department's Defense Information School, which he attended as a Public
Affairs Officer in 1994.
Frustrated with the indifference (or indecision) of the mainstream media in
ending the cover-up, he founded Ghost Troop, a unit specializing in Web
contacting and communications as the most effective, direct and honest medium
left to a public in need. Ghost Troop now comprises hundreds of
loosely-affiliated members, along with a few dozen staffers, mostly veterans,
and is on a continuing mission to force the mainstream media to acknowledge the
dead of the Battle of Baghdad.
They have published extensively about the Battle of Baghdad, and their main
publications, "Ghost Troop Introduction" (2003) and "Ghost Troop Home" (2004)
have received 3 million hits since their creation. The story is spreading, and
more and more journalists are remembering their ethical duty to tell the truth,
not sugar-coat it. In fact, the Embedded Media itself seems to be coming clean:
This summer LA Times Embed David Zucchino published his Thunder
Run: Three Days with the Tusker Brigade in the Battle of Baghdad.