Broadcasts from the Hal Turner Internet Shows
November 9, 2006.
November 2, 2006.
October 19, 2006.
October 12, 2006.
October 5, 2006.
September 28, 2006.
September 22, 2006.
September 21, 2006.
September 14, 2006.
August 25, 2006.
June 13, 2004.
May 31, 2004.
May 24, 2004.
May 17, 2004.
May 10, 2004.
May 3, 2004.
April 26, 2004.
April 12, 2004.
April 5, 2004.
March 29, 2004.
March 22, 2004.
March 8, 2004.
March 1, 2004.
February 23, 2004.
February 16, 2004.
February 9, 2004.
February 2, 2004.
January 26, 2004.
January 19, 2004.
January 12, 2004.
January 5, 2004 David Cole interviewed the Director of
Auschwitz, exposing the lies surrounding the gas chambers. A
quick study of comparative cultures proves that the races are not
equally gifted.
December 29, 2003
December 15, 2003
November 24, 2003
September 6, 2003
Hitler's speech to the Reichstag regarding the Jews is still fresh
and new today. Jews believe that God speaks to them out loud
and orders them to commit genocide against the Arabs in order to
enjoy the "promised" land. Hitler pointed out that Jews Jews
are not constructive work. No wonder we had to give them $19
million in 2003. Six Million did not die. The plaque at
Auschwitz has been changed from 4 mil to 4.5 million people.
The Mossad attacked us on 9/11 and blamed it on the Arab.
September 3, 2003
The Mossad attacked the USA on 9/11 and have blamed it on the Arabs.
Don't forget Israel attacked the USS Liberty and blamed it on the
Arabs, and the La Vonne Affair. We need investigations into
9/11, JFK, Waco, Ruby Ridge and the bombing of the WTC Towers and
Okalahoma City. Who is doing these things to us? Our
enemy the Communists aided by Zionists. Israel is a rogue,
terrorist state guilty of atrocities against the Palestinians.
June 26, 2003
June 15, 2003
June 1, 2003
May 27, 2003
May 22, 2003
May 13, 2003
May 8, 2003
Discussion of torture as common to degenerates and primitives, Two
Jews, Jacob Sprengler and Wilheim Kramer, wrote the Maleus
Malificarum, and used it to teach sadists how to be sadistic.
Alan Dershowitz, a Jew, now comes on the public scene and promotes
torture using similar logic to that of his Jewish ancestors.
April 25, 2003
April 22, 2003
April 18, 2003
April 15, 2003
April 8, 2003
April 2, 2003
Israel uses torture, terror, rape and murder to drive the
Palestinians from their land. The atrocity propaganda machine
which lied about Sadam Hussein. Americans are too educated and
have too much right to speak ... to be excused from not questioining
this propaganda. We are not liberating the Iraq war serves
only Israel. America is losing her treasure ($100 billion) and
her young men and women fighting for Israel.
March 21, 2003
Jews lied about the Jew skin lamp shades and then jailed Germans for
questioning. Ernst Zundel, Matt Hale, David Duke, Artie
Wheeler and Chester Doles have gone to jail for questioning the
holocaust. Eye witnesses who lied about the gas chambers
changed their stories under oath. Jews took all of the Russian
farms, trillions of dollars, and millions of lives and owe treble
March 18, 2003
Israel drove 700,000 Palestinians from the Israeli side of the
Partition Plan in violation of their agreement with the United
Nations. In 1967 Israel attacked five Arab states and grabbed
50% of Palestine. Most recently Israel has put up a wall,
taking another 12% of the land from Palestine. How can
Palestinians be called terrorists when they are only trying to drive
the invading enemy from the remaining part of their own land?
March 11, 2003
March 4, 2003
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