Helen was an aging American actress when she spotted Rama teaching yoga in India at the age of 22. She fell instantly in love with his young body and decided to make herself important enough to him that he would never leave her. She was to be his protege and he was to be hers. He was young, handsome (in a primitive way) and, above all, a spiritual master. This would be the perfect response to all of the White men who had rejected her in favor of prettier White women and especially her younger brother, Will, who was a matinee idol, and totally lacking in morals. Helen realized that if she promoted Rama in America, he would have a following of women ten times that of Will.
Helen seduced Rama without any objections from him, and the two planned Rama's career. Helen would introduce him to her important Hollywood friends and Rama would expand and sell franchises worldwide, all based on Rama's personality which Helen perceived to be super star quality.
One day, while Rama was working out, a little Indian girl named Sra was told to give Rama a written message from his mother. Sra was terrified of Rama because he had a red do ton his forehead which, in India, meant that he had the power to read minds. She knew when she gave him the message he would look into her mind and see all of her sins. She did not look up from the floor as she skittered into the gym and handed him the message. She was grateful that he did not speak to her or acknowledge her presence in any way. It meant she would not be seen as the terrible person she knew herself to be. She skittered away from Rama backward and left the room. Except for the handwritten message which appeared on his lap, Rama would never have known that Sri had been there. The meeting was very important to Sri. When she got home she heard the Rama's voice toying with her in her mind, reminding her of all of her childhood sins. She spent hours explaining herself to the imaginary voice until she was exhausted. Such was the power of the red dot in India, designed to keep the lower castes oppressed with fear and guilt. The vegetarian diet of the lower castes, deficient in vitamins B and C pushed the majority of the masses into schizophrenia. When Rama became a teacher, he insisted that his followers give up meat without explaining the need to eat fruits and vegetables, nuts and legumes so many of his followers developed schizophrenia within a year. Rama took full advatage of their weakened state by encouraging them to commune with his spirit in their minds. Helen, being an actress, had had plenty of experience "communing" with spirits and was soon ravished with love for the imaginary Rama that she developed in her mind, believing she was actually communicating with the young man. When she told Rama of her experiences he smiled with pride, fully understanding what she was doing, but having no idea that she was developing a serious mental illness which would be easily spotted by a Westerner.
Helen became thoroughly obsessed with Rama. She emerged from her social set, which was mostly Jewish, as the transcendent guruni, extolling the values of Eastern philosophy and weaning most of her Christian friends away from their midwestern brand of Bible belt christianity to embrace the universal god of love. As Rama aged, his egotism wiped off any prettiness lent to his face by his idealistic youth. He took on the mystique of most eastern gurus, defiantly ugly while demanding worship in reverse proportion to his personal attractiveness. He drove his students savagely to perform harsher and harsher disciplines while he sat on a throne of cushions barking out orders to his worshipping followers. If he had been even slightly conscious of the ridiculous figure he made of himself he would have laughed, but in his eyes, the slavish worship of his followers, contrasted by his own nasty appearance and mean dispoisition was completely proper and traditional in the context of the Indian culture.
Driven by a need to outshine her truly handsome brother, Helen, never a beauty, devoted her entire fortune to developing Rama's career. She created a non-profit corporation committed to spreading Rama's work and lived off the salary she paid to herself as director from the proceeds of the non-profit corporation. She lived a very luxurious life and Rama was able to indulge in his material fetishes for mansions and cars.
Rama included a period of meditation in his classes and watched as the beautific smiles of his followers change to sexual plesure. When a particularly interesting student showed signs of approaching sexual energy Rama approached her and guided her through meditation , masterfully penetrating her at the correct moment, driving her and himself into sexual bliss. Few objected and when they did he frightened them into silence. It was his game. Sometimes he did this in front of a class of hundreds of closed-eyed meditators and he never once got caught. He became bolder and bolder. He enjoyed it immensely. Helen knew he was doing this but she was happy to let him have these meaningless dalliances as opposed to anything that would actually threatened their relationship. She felt a twinge of jealousy when she witnessed the bliss Rama and his target for the day were sharing but she knew she could not complain since her advancing years were making her less and less attractive in comparison to the young students. She contented herself with vicarious pleasure and kept her mouth shut. She explained to the teaching staff that sexual energy was part of the yogic prahna and that they had better keep their mouths shut too. Her initial delusion that she was to be Rama's reigning goddess in this world and the next gave way to realizing that she was the manager of an extremely successful, extremely perverse and manipulative teacher of a barbaric eastern religeon.
In her childhood, Helen had procured the favors of excited teenagers for her brother when they were both in high schoo. She knew how to get around women's defenses and get them to fall in love. She had never failed, not once, to get the girl her brother wanted. She learned how to set them up, get their confidence and let her brother go in for the kill. After that they had no defenses at all and would do whatver Helen wanted them to do in order to stay in the circle which grew wider and wider. That was in high school. Now, in the real world of neurotic starlets and aging liberated women, everything worked exactly as it had before. It didn't help that Rama was so utterly unattractive but the two of them, Rama and Helen, were able to compensate with mind control techniques and the starvation diet that made it easy to exert sexual control over all of them. Even the few men who enrolled in the classes obediently kept their eyes closed when Rama decided to strike. If they hadn't, Helen, or one of the staff members, was ready with a diversion technique which was never necessary.
When a woman started to responde to Rama in class, Rama would bend down to her and tell her that she must be disciplined. This allowed the performance to go on, protected from the attentions of the students in the class who were under orders to close their eyes and mediate. If the lady showed signs of moving or making a sound, Rama bit her mouth visciously to bring her back to her senses and then the pleasure had to start all over again. If a woman made even the slightest sound or movement she was dismissed permanently from the class with dire threats if she should ever speak. If she was able to achieve orgasm without a murmer she was no longer a novice. She was an initiate. She now had the right to paint a red dot on her forehead. Helen dressed in fabulous Saris. The benefit to the followers was that they believed they were destined to be goddesses. Buddhism allowed them freedom for their superstitious Christian religeon while at the same time, promising them life after death. They could go through the daily lives with their eyes glazed over, their faces etched in spiritual smiles, lording it over everyone else. Occasionally Christianity produced this type of better-than-thou spiritual pride, but it was immediately spotted and ridiculed. Rama Llama Ding Dong's version of Buddhism allowed them to lord it over their families, their friends and, above all, their Western husbands and lovers.