Thursday, July 16, 2015 - White History

A million years ago our ancestors left Africa and sojourned to London where they settled down and commenced to evolve into human beings.  For 200,000 years they bred for blonde hair and blue eyes.  At some point in time the brightest and the best of these beautiful creatures migrated south to enjoy the beach front property o fthe Mediterranian Sea and built large temples and sumptuous homes, appointed with running water and chariots drawn by animals.  The men sailed the oceans all over the world, navigating by the sun during the day and by the stars at night.  The prospered until 10,000 years ago when the glaciers melted, submerging their mighty kingdom under the sea.


The gods they worshipped were the gods of reason and kindness as was suitable for their bright, quick minds and sensitive, gentle spirits.  Large temples were erected to give place for ruminating on the challenges of daily life in order to solve their problems.  They had no thought of a mean spirited god, nor of human or animal sacrifice.  Blood rituals were abhorent to them.  Remants of their society have been found under the sea, and their civilization has been named Atlantis.


When the glaciers melted they were forced to leave their homes in large ships to find refuge in surrounding lands.  Some of them found their way to what is now Israel where they took up residence with the vulgar and cruel strange looking beings of that land.  The women were raped by the darker races with whom they were forced to live, producing a half breed child that was far more beautiful than the children of the dark tribes.  The dark races wrote their history as if they were the original blondes and that the darker children who actually the true decendents of the vulgar races were the rejected ones.  A myth grew up to explain the enmity between the two seed lines known as the Adam and Eve story, but the writers of this myth were not the Atlantians but were the Hebrews.


The children of the Atlanteans were subjugated by the Hebrews and forced to circumsized their chilren as a badge of servitude.  They were brought up to engage in blood rituals, torturing and killing innocent animals to offer up to Jehovah, a criminal god who spoke to them through homicidal and delusional hallucinations.


Jesus was the product of a union between Ceasar Augustus and Mary.  It was Augustus' intention that Jesus would rule over the reunite the twelve tribes of Israel under Roman rule, with Roman philosophy of wisdom and intelligence.  Jesus was taught that he was the son of the the God Augustus.  Jesus imparted Roman philosophy to the depraved Hebews but, when he sought to take his position as their ruler he was put to death.  St. Paul attempted to convey Jesus' philosophy to the Hebrews but was not able to understand Jesus' message of rational decision making although he did manage to put an end to the blood ritual sacrifices so that, after Jesus' death, circumcision was no longer part of the heritage of the Hebrews.


Jesus' kind words were all but lost as Christianity was spread throughout the world but the gentle nature of the Atlantians, mixed with the blood of their racial kinsmen in North Western Europe created a brillient religeon which allowed the Rennaisance and Enlightenment to naturally uplift the White race.


Circumcision did not come to the White race until after the second world war, which was waged against the White race by Neanderthals who called themselves Jews.  The vile practice of genitally mutilating the boys was introduced to the medical establishment of the United States on the pretext of hygeine and the White people of America became enslaved again.  Their men, horrifically traumatized at birth, became either horribly passive and demoralized or violently rebellious against the savage race that had subjected them.